Something is Mine

i'm just a very simple person, name ma ayah beri, nur shuhada bt khairul anuar ! yg bermaksud cahaya para org yg mati syahid, :) alhamdulillah, so, i'm trying till now to be the best for my family,agama n negara ! haha ! bersemangat gilaa... :), btw, saya dengan bnganya mengatakan TAK NAK ! pada mereka yg 1) talk nonsense, 2) gilaaa,,3) pencurikkk,4)kaki menipu,5)kaki pempuan,6)hipokrit dan kesemua yg sama waktu dgnnya ! , so, ilove to being in myself ! last but not least, adiossaa !! :)

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

When i think of them .

tak ade ape nk cakap sangat . misss korang sumeee !!!!

  ok ok last pictureee...

okbye . 

miss you all soo muchh ! much !


Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Ada yang lebih perlu , Selamat tinggal .

 something to learning from . :)
Name aku Amir.. Aku de sorg awek.. Sorg??? huhu.. Awek aku ni mmg lawa giler r!! Sbb die lawa tu r aku ngn membe2 aku berebut.. Nasib aku baik la, aku dpt jugak die....memandangkan aku ni pun kategori org yg handsome.. hahaha..
OOPS! lupe! Name awek aku ni Nadia.. Kitorg x same kampung tp satu sekolah.. Satu hari ni aku dpt twrn smbung blajar kt satu IPTA ni.. Awek aku pn dpt.. Alhamdulillah result SPM kitorg cemerlang walaupun aku pun x percaye boleh dpt 7A.. Hahaha.. Tp mmg giler r.. Walaupun kos yg ditawarkn same, tp aku terlambung kt utara n die lak kt Selatan..

Die ni kuat jeles tu jgn ckp laa.. hidup aku dia yg aturkan.. selama aku satu sekolah dulu, jgn hrp la aku nk kuwa ngn membe2 perempuan aku.. Jgnkn kuwa same, pndg pun x boleh.. Kdg2 aku rimas jugak ngn die.. T aku ckp byk ngn die, mau die marah2 then merajuk.. Benci tul aku.. Aku tau die sygggg sgt2 kt aku. Aku tau die mmg x lyn mane2 lelaki yg cube usyar line die.. Kdg2 aku bengang jugak if ade lelaki yg hntr2 msj kt die walaupun die x reply..

Tp sebenarnye aku ade sorokkan sumthing drp die.. Disebabkan kitorg pun da terpisah jauh, aku mule la nk test market kt utara ni.. Jahatkn? Aku rase bebas!!! Aku pn rase die mcm tu jgk kot.. Yelah, die kn lawa.. Msti r ramai jantan usyar die.. Disebabkan aku nk menutup perasaan prasangka yg buruk2 tu, aku mula r berkawan ngn ramai perempuan kat sini.. Setiap kali org tanye status aku, mesti aku jwb aku single.. Aku selalu kuwa ngn member2 perempuan aku kat sini.. Mmg lagak cm org single.. Aku selalu teringatkan die time aku tgh berfoya2.. Bile wktu mlm sebelum tidur, msti die yg call aku.. Aku? Kdg2 kot.. Tp aku syg sgt kt die.. Aku ckp kt die, membe2 aku kt sini semuanye jantan.. Die ckp die pun same.. Sebelum kitorg end call mst die cerita2 kenangan kami bersama.. Die selalu ckp, "kalau sy da x de baru awk leh gatal dgn perempuan lain".. Kdg2 aku mrh die sbb die ckp yg bukan2 walaupun hakikatnya aku mmg da menggatal da pun.. Kdg2 aku selalu jgk create pergaduhan ngn die.. byk kali die nangis time gaduh2 ngn aku.. pernah tu aku tertengking dia.. kesian die.........

Tibe2 aku terkejut drp lamunan.. Rupa2nye member perempuan aku, Tiqah.. Aku pn dgn bangang aku terima..
Mase duit PTPTN kuwa, aku beli sebijik henpon lg. Satu henpon khas tok msj Nadia, satu g utk Tiqah.. Dlm tempoh aku belajar kt sini, mcm2 tipu aku wat.. Aku tipu dua2 perempuan tu.. Tp hati aku tetap sygkn Nadia.. Mungkin sbb jauh, perasaan tu kdg2 bercampur.. Tiqah pn mcm Nadia.. Sejak aku couple ngn minah ni, aku dah x kuwa ngn member2 perempuan lain.. semuanya kembali mcm mase aku ngan Nadia dulu.. Aku terasa bersalah sgt.. Tp dlm mase yg same aku just nk hilangkan perasaan bosan sorg2 kat sini.. "Kalau la Nadia tau.." Kdg2 aku terfikir nk berterus-terang.. Tp aku x berani.. Kalau dulu aku tidur pukul 1.30, sekarang ni pkul 3.30 kdg2 pkul 4.. Yelah sbb nk gayut dgn dua2.. Semua org x tahu siapa aku sebenarnya walaupun roomate aku sendiri.. Setiap kali aku balik kampung, Nadia x balik.. Yelah.. U dgn sekolah mane same.. Cuti lain2.. Cume ade sekali tu kitorg dpt cuti same2.. Cuti raye kn.. Time aku jumpa ngn Nadia, aku sorokkan henpon satu lg tu kat rumah.. Nadia makin lawa! Berseri2.. Mane2 lelaki tgok gerenti r cair ni.. Nadia ckp cinta die hanya utk aku.. Selama die berpisah dgn aku, die semakin rindu, semakin syg n cintakn aku.. Utk hilang rase camtu, die habiskan mase dgn belajar.. Kdg2 die ckp belajar smpai tau2 da mlm.. Die happy sbb hati aku masih x berubah utk dia sorang.. ERR! aku terasa bersalah sgt.. "Kalau sy da x de, baru awk leh gatal dgn perempuan len tau!" ckp die sambil tergelak2.. Perkataan tu da berjuta kali kot die sebut.. Aku tgok muke die yg lembut tu.. Die bersuara, kalau habis belajar, die nk aku ikat die sebagai tunang.. Pastu die nk kami kerja, kumpul duit byk2 n kahwin then sambung belajar lg.. Beria2 die menceritakan impian die kt aku...

Permainan aku berlarutan sehingga sem yg ke 4...
Pada satu hari ni aku g makan ngn Tiqah mcm biasa... Heboh kampus aku jd tuan rumah untuk satu pertandingan perbahasan antara IPTA. Kebetulan hari ni ulangtahun ke 3 aku ngan Nadia.. Mcm biase aku g mkn ngn Tiqah kt cafe.. Mase Tiqah tgh ambil lauk, aku terniat hati nk cek msj die.. Terhenti jantung aku, berlambak2 msj sorang jantan yg bersayang2 kt inbox dia.. Aku pn angin r.. Mase Tiqah duduk, aku soal2 dia smpai menangis minah tu.. Sebelum ni x terniat pulak aku nk cek.. Tiqah ckp die ttp sygkn aku.. Aku pun mula terfikirkn Nadia.. Tibe2 ade sekumpulan awek dtg kat meja aku time2 gini la pulak.. X lame pastu aku nmpk Nadia.. Aku menelan air liur.. Rupe2nye, Nadia ambil bahagian dalam pertandingan tu.. Bila Tiqah nmpk ramai2 awek tu dtg kt aku, pelik r die.. N dgn kuasa Allah, semua terbongkar pada saat tu.. N Tiqah sendiri mengaku yg dielah awek aku kt depan Nadia.. Aku tgok Nadia menangis.. Die x bercakap sepatah haram perkataan pun.. Cume die berikan aku sekotak hadiah ulangtahun kami sebelum dia tinggalkn aku.. Aku terus putuskan hubungan aku ngn Tiqah.. Mase aku balik hostel, puas aku call Nadia.. Aku hntr msj berlambak2 kt die.. die x reply pn... Aku sedar, die dah benci aku..

Rupanya Nadia masih menerima aku.. Aku happy sgt2.. Aku berjanji x nk kecewakn die lg.. 2 minggu kejadian itu berlalu.. Org2 sekeliling aku mula menjauhkan diri daripada aku.. Nk2 yg member2 perempuan aku la.. Aku dah x kesah da.. Aku dah berubah.. Aku cuma nk dapatkn keputusan yg cemerlang sampai time akhir sem nanti. Aku nk dptkn kerja baik2.. Apa2 pun aku nk ikat Nadia dulu.. Kdg2 aku berasa malu sgt kt Nadia nk2 bila teringatkn mak ayah dia.. Nasib baik die x pergi report kat mak n ayah dia.. hehe.. Dlm tgh syok2 berangan sambil membelek2 kemeja baru hadiah ulangtahun daripadanya mase hari kejadian tu, tibe2 aku dpt msj drpd member Nadia.. "Nadia eksiden!" Ermm.. Hati aku tibe2 jd x sedap.. Msj kedua drp member die smpai lg.. Terasa panas muka aku bile bace msj tu.. "Nadia da X DE.. Die kne langgar ngan kereta mase lintas jln.." Mcm org gila pas aku bace msj tu.. Aku ambil keputusan balik kejap kampung walaupun terpaksa ponteng kelas..

Aku rase kosong.. Kosong sgt.. Teringat gelak tawa die, teringat suara die, muke die yg lawa tu.. Aku menangis dlm bas.. Aku x peduli ngn org2 yg pndg aku.. Kali ni aku betul2 menyalahkan diri aku.. Semua kenangan aku ngan Nadia bermain dlm kepala aku.. Aku xmampu menahan perasaan sedih ni.. Berulang kali aku bace msj terakhir Nadia mlm td.. "Awk, sy nk tido.. Mcm biase, sy sygkn awk utk selamanye walaupun awk da lukekn ati sy, sy maafkn... Tp ingat! Kalau sy x de baru awk leh gatal ngn perempuan len tau! Hehe.. Nk mrh la tu.. Sy leb awk! Sweet dreamz.." Ya Allah! Kuatkn hatiku ni.. Semasa aku sampai, jenazahnya belum tiba lagi.. Ye.. Aku pun terus mencoretkan kisah ini.. Semoga menjadi pengajaran kt korang.. Air mata aku berguguran sepanjang mencoretkan kisah ni.. Tapi aku tau, Nadia x kn kembali da.. X de lg msj Nadia, panggilan Nadia.. X de dah ungkapan "kalau sy x de" tu dah..

Teman2.. Aku mintak sedekahkanlah fatihah utk nya.. Mungkin ada yg memperlekehkn kisah aku ni.. Tp bg aku, inilah kisah yg plg bermakna utk aku.. Utk selamanya aku menyayangi kau, Nurul Nadia bt Zainarruddin..
Mungkin kejap lagi jenazahnya tiba.. Aku nk bersiap2 utk beri penghormatan terakhir buat die yg aku sygi.. Sememangnya cinta die utk aku shgga akhir nafasnya... Aku mampu merelakan pemergiannya... Tabahkn hatiku Ya Allah.... -Al Fatihah.....

Save the date ,

Tuhan jadikan kita berbeza beza ,

Tetapi Tuhan jadikan Cinta supaya kita bersatu . 

Wanita jangan dibilang dia cantik . , 

Tetapi bilang dia sangat cantik . 

 Wanita dijadikan atas nama Cinta . 

Kalau diselami pasti jumpa ,  

 Berbahagialah bersama Cinta dan Wanitamu ,  

Kerana Cinta itu indah dan mengindahkan . :) 

Pesanan untuk diri sendiri ,

dear shuhada ,

berhentilah bergantung pada orang lain . Orang sekeliling kita akan datang & akan pergi . Memang betul pun kan . jadi, sediakanlah diri untuk meninggalkan dan menjadi orang yang ditinggalkan . 

Monday, 27 June 2011

Kehadapan , Tuhan

aku tahu ini mungkin terlambat, sedangkan kemarin aku lalai aku lupa.
tapi hari ini aku datang. tanpa rasa malu aku menyerah pada mu.

hinanya aku. setelah jiwa dihimpit rasa yang gila aku datang mencari kasih mu.

sekali ini aku mohon pada mu. berikanlah aku sedikit lagi ruang biar nafas yang kau pinjamkan ini mengembus lancar.

mungkin aku harus jadi manusia yang lebih utuh. yang tak gentar dengan ribut apa sekalipun. jiwa yang sedang hancur mungkin harus aku lapiskan dengan senyum. biar palsu. biar tipu. kerana cuma itu yang aku mampu.

semestinya aku harus menghargai setiap saat yang kau hadiahkan pada aku. kenapa aku harus berhenti sedangkan detik buat aku masih kau hidupkan lagi?

aku datang lagi nanti

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

10 things I Wish To Do Before I Die

  •  Cukupkan amalan yang memang x cukup ni.

  • sudah berumah tangga.punya suami dan anak-anak yang comel comel.ahaha (ishh geli )

  • mintak maaf dengan semua orang

  •  dapat jumpa balik kawan-kawan lama aku yang jauh jauh tu.rindu tahu ?

  • dapat lepak dengan drew seeley

  • buat haji or umrah. bawak parent and suami .kalau kaya dua-dua la

  • buat makan-makan untuk terakhir kali. jemput semua classmate aku. reunion skali la jomm.

  • pergi new york . haha sempat lagi *

  • bagi-bagi harta..

  • cari kan isteri baru untuk suamiku.. (aku cari yang paling tip top punya,untung suami aku *ehem pesanan untuk muhammad azri jgn gatal sangat tahu* haha)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sebab tu senyum . sebab tu gembira

hehe . hari ni just ade 2 kelas . kelas bel and kelas marketing . jadi lepas kelas marketing. kami pun tak ade hala tujuan kemana mana . maka kerjanya ?? yeahh . bergewdix dan bergelak gelak . haha . malas nk cakap ape. just see senyum dan gelak kami :)

                                          sebab tu kami gembira . sebab tu kami senyum


 suke gambar ni :)

auww auww ! saya nampak tinggi laa .:)
i love you guys ! :D 



Monday, 20 June 2011

Hari ini bukan tentang semalam .

   okay motif ? haha. time ni angin gila kuat . See kain baju kurung saya ? terbang2 wooo

Perbanyakkan sosial. perbanyakkan kawan. perbanyakkan ingat tuhan. yang semalam itu sudah dan yang esok belum pasti. yang perlu, berbahagialah untuk hari ini . Thanks Allah bagi aku kesempatan untuk nafas , dan segala nikmat yang Kau pinjamkan kepadaku hari ini . :)

Time change, but myheart still same .

~ haiyoo . macam berlaku lately ni , i was feel something i have missing. i dont know where . i feel like living in corpse already . ( mandi x basah . makan tak kenyang , tidur tak lena) haihh . dh teruk dh ni , and and the worst is , i jatuh in the bathroom ! Omygoshh . sakit gila . kepale sakit =,=
i dont know what actually happend in my life . kadang2 rase macam banyak berkhayal . byk bfikir maybe  .

Hari ni , go to the class with mate bengkak . sedih, sebak, marah, rindu, cinta, sayang, semua bercampur . haihh that's call love . And and !! x boleh nk cover coz my spectacle hilanggg!!!!! 
so , buat dek jelah . cover dengan eye liner and maskara. haha . ngantuk sangat dlm class tadi . Tapi gagahkan jugak mate ni nk menimba ilmu kan * cehwahhh .padahal* haha . ade presentation . esok pun ade . marketing ohh marketing .  

seriously i feel missing something in my life . i missing the way he care, concern, the way he always say i love you . , the way we are crazy together.

For him i wanna say this :

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.
I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.

You never let me down before
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are

Saturday, 18 June 2011

okay . tibe tibe energy datang bertubi tubi nk tulis blog . haihh tak tahu la pasal ape  , hari ni tiberr teringat n terinduu okay fine . actually bukan teringat or terindu . but the exactly is ingat and rindu selalu . alahai .
hmm . i miss the way he gelak gelak with me . 

and miss miss miss really miss him when die nampak wangi,.lelaki wangi itu kacak.lelaki berkemeja juga kacak,lekaki berbaju melayu juga kacak.ayah dan lolly saya kacak.:). kuikuikui ;p 

kbye :)





i have nothing to say ,but wait ..................................................................

Come notice me
And take my hand
So why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me? 

I make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
What have I done . what have i done .

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Jalan - jalan

Nk mulekan dengan Alhamdulillah :) Syukur sangat sangat . Thanks Allah , 

Oohh such a Awesome day !

My lolly and me, went for a dinner, not a candle light dinner bagaii tu, just a simple dinner, coz

I'm starving a char kueh tiaw :D  .  Thanks darlingg . bawak me pergi makan char kueh tiaw yg sedap tu kan kan.. and bawak i jalan jalan, belanje i bajuu pulak, Awwww !!

  ~me like so mengade ngade dgn lolly tadi,...bajett manjee la tu.. HAHA =P 

 sepanjang panjang perjalanan, me sengeh sepanjang mase, lolly suke buat lawak, HAHA, actually 
tgh bahagia.. weeeee :) 

 lepas je melantak char keey tiaw tuuu.. jalan jalan pusing jap, ... amik angin malam, 

pas tu lolly tanye nk pegi mane.. then pikir pikir,,.terus ckp kt lolly, "jom pegi gerbang" !
sebab da x tau nk jalan mane da malam malam tu,,  plus boley cuci mate HAHA :P,  
 jalan -jalan and jalan..., belek2 ., tiberr terpandangkan ladies punye kemeje.. auwww !
cantik lolly ckp, belek belek, terus ckp "NAK" ! hahhh ! lolly ckp, asal x minx kurang lagi,, terus "NAK" ! HAHA,  Sorry babe, .. ~ haihh,,, lw exited mmg cmgini.. .  

jalan lagi, jalan jalan, pusing sane, pusing sini, x bnyak sangat kedai yg bukak, yelaaa.. bukan weekend .. 

tapi as long as I'm with mylolly, whenever tmpat yg bosann gilaaa pun boley jadik best coz we're together .  *cehh.. ayattt..* :)

dah habis pusing~ time to back home, :D *actuaally this post i've should post it yesterday,*

message to lolly :  i forgot to say outload, How special you are to me . 

peace people :)


Saturday, 21 May 2011

freaking missed him !

Awww ! yaaa.. yaaaa.. ok agak kejiwangans disini ! :) pettw . ! argh Who cares? this is my blog , so i can write anything i loikeee :D

 19th may 2011 :
Okey, yesterday i was hang out or in the real means is having a date with My Lolly, :) 
 yayayaa.. :) we're goin to spend our time together :D
Actually i would like to spend my time or exactly * membuang masa bersama my lolly * .
 I loikeee to do this kind of activity with him,  just like watching movies, eat, and eat, and eat ! ;D ,
 and went for the shop, yaa.. all kind of shop ,  belek belek, if ade yg bekenan terus rembat  ! HAHA . :P
sian my lolly , die ikut je wherever i wanna go, :) hehe, Auwwww ! Thanks honey .
okey, at night before that, he was telling me that , okey sayangs lw ader rezeki kite kuar ecok k, :) so, i was.. okey honey,:)   

Then the morning,, i jadi agak mereng, i texts him, ..... in pantun : hehee,.,  then he replied also in  the pantun, then kteorng balas2 pantun. HAHA, sounds funny, but so sweet . :)(; sengeh sengeh bace pantun die, 
after that, bla bla and bla.. he said that he will pick up me after zohor . i siap siap, not kind of bagai2 punye siap la.. i just wearing jeans and t-shirt and long brown pashmina and sneakers. 
So, he pick up me on my house at 1.45 p.m something.. almost 2 la.. , so were decide to go j.j.
Actually, at first we're talking about just having a walk on the garden,  i mean ya, spend time together it was not just you must go to the shopping mall kan? depends on people la, if they more feels comfortable to just having a walk in the shopping mall, then okey lah, :) eh eh ! rasenye da mcm melalut lain da ni, enogh enogh ! :)

So i cakap kt my lolly, can we watch movies first ? then, after that baru kite jalan2 taman ? 
i nk tengok NUR KASIH THE MOVIES ! yaa.. the super new movies . :) hehee.. but my lolly nk tgk PIRATES OF CARRIBIAN * betul ke ejaan ni? hehe* . Gaduh mnje jap, the hehe.. i won !
movie pilihan untuk ditonton kali ini ialah NUR KASIH THE MOVIES ! yeahhh !! ;D

boley la, even ade slot slot yg x brape nk mengerti .. HAHA. :)
Then jalan jalan.. cari pasal ! OMJAY ! time kteorng kuar nih, j.j bapak giler ramai orang !! mule2 agak weird lah, asal la ramai glee org harini sedangkan time tu almost 3 p.m then hari tu is Thursday !
rupe rupenye , ade jusco card hari tu, padan la ramai giler bapak org ... haihh runsing jalan ramai2 org..serabut kepale,:)   

memandangkan ade SALE super gilaaa ni, so yeah i buying a shirt for my sista ! yaaaa.. the sweet pink shirt.. , . the sale memang gilee laa.. super duper punye.. low price and i can buying 2 dengan harga satu ! auchh .. kalau ikut nafsu yg membuak2 untuk menyopping lagi, memang sampai malam x habis. After i grab the shirt, bayar, then trus blah ! :)

jalan jalan sampai penat, then balik.  

 I cannot adding the picture of us, tsskk T_T .. my USB rosak !

20th May 2011 :
This morning, i mean 20 may 2011, :) my lolly and I were having a breakfast together , yaaa.. because He will goin to a vacation to Negeri sembilan . And now dah selamat sampai kt sane. :)

That's why I'm freaking missed him sososo much ! !   

huh. i couldn't sleep, ;/  

i miss you bushuk !

Peace peace peace  

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Get It Right

What have I done? I wish I could
Away from this ship goin’ under
Just tryin’ to help, hurt everyone
Now I feel the weight of the world is
On my shoulders
What can you do when your good isn’t good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
‘Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many it times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight
Can I start again with my faith shaken?
‘Cause I can’t go back and undo this
I just have to stay and face my mistakes
But if I get stronger and wiser
I’ll get through this
What can you do when your good isn’t good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
‘Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many it times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight
So I throw up my fist
I will punch in the air
And accept the truth that sometimes life isn’t fair
Yeah, I’ll send out a wish
Yeah, I’ll send up a prayer
And finally, someone will see
How much I care!
What can you do when your good isn’t good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
‘Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many it times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight

that's all i wanna say, peace (:

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

just breath

~rase da lme gler x mepek dlm myblog, ~ HUHU :)
 ya..yaaa... even tgh cuti sem, but lately ni myfeels more on , sense and the strong feeling,,, i just dont get what is happening and r how this feelings come out and how i'm gonna face it . 

But, whenever what is the real story of it, i've to face it strongly, :)
At first, ya,.. I admit it, i'm to pressure of all this, i cried all over the night, ~ but i hve to think it positively and maturely ,and  lucky I'm more patient. Calmer .Toned down and i like that :)

  I just wanted to say, that if you're going through the same thing,  just keep doing what you do with the best intentions. Let God guide you through. i've to move ! macam mana nk bergerak ? macam mana nk maju ? Be strong . Ignore all the negative vibes and just focus on the positive side of things. Smile, and you'll be just find. If you think that you are good enough,then YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH ! (:

Always carry yourself around with you. Don't ever let people force you to do something you can't do.  It's okay if people dont get it, and they bully you because of things they can't squeeze out of you.  You are you, and you need to realize that. Its ok if THEY don't. Determine your strength, and improvise your flaws .

peace :)

 If somebody would ask me , what i wanna be today ? the answer is, i would like to be strong  . i want to be one with a brain.someone who has control her life, independent, and who has the ability to make her own decision, at her own will, with integrity. And I would like to have my own space and privacy . I hope people could respect that .
 Other than that, i wanna live healthy,pray to God and be nice to people .

  But,that's life. I can't expect everyone to understand what I go through on a day to day basis. I choose not to complain and just suck it up. So I apologize if I did anything wrong. I'm only human. :)

peace . peace :)

Friday, 29 April 2011

How I wear my shawl >?

~ hyeoooo... huuu,, lame x mepek dlm blog, yaaa.. lately ni agak busy dengan study, final,, and all such of things,

 so, today, i just want to share something  yang x special n penting sngat about the how do i wear my hijab? or my shawl ? okey fine,,, first of all, i started to wear a shawl ,when iam 17 kot ~! yeahh,, rasenye la... so, what inspired me to wear a shawl ? actually x bape ingat sangat,

what i've remember is i wear it at the first of aidil fitri, yaaa hari raya laaa.. :D

first pakai , susah jugak, coz i x tengok pun tutorial yg macm sekarang belambak2 kt youtube, kan ?

so, i wear it with the simple step , just secure it with pin, n lilit2 on my head , SENANG !~ hehe :P

on my first trial yaaa..nampak mcm messy giler,, and howw.. i'm like kinda miserable girl ! HAHAA ~

but keep on trial and trial on the different step and style , so now i know , i mean not so exactly lah on how to wear a shawl or pashamina , huu,,

So, i feel like comfortable, not so messy and i think that's not to over ~ HAHA ~ but, ikut orang jugak la, not everybody like the same style as me, ade je yg pakai like sooo,,, wowwwww ~!!` nk pegi kelas ke nk pegi dinner ?? tapi as long as die rase selesa, okey je ..

 but, after i started to wear a shawl or pashmina, i still wear tudung yg tige segi tu, yaaa,, :)(: 

 but, bile kite tnye pendapat boys, mostly x suke their gurl wear a shawl ? why ? why ?
umm, i'm not sure about this, maybe diorang lebih suke their gurl just wear a tudung like usually,

 but, but, : ade jugak boyss yang suke pulak gurls pakai shawl and pashmina ala ala maria elena and hana tajima <3 sampai ade yg tlong belikan tuk gurl dorang pun ade, mybe in their sight gurl yg wear a shawl ala ala H.T and M.E lebih styloo and beautifull,, umm,, don't know lahh, :)(:

as long as dorang hepy sudah, okey about my lolly, die oke  je,, xde la sampai melarang i wear the style2 shawl, but i think die prefer lebih i wear the tudung as usual, maybe he looks me better when i wear it, :)(: but i dont care sangat la kan,i mean i love being myself,  and as long we love each others, he and me need to tolerate and understanding each other, like i'm not gonna make he as i want, i just let him be what he are, coz he are amazing, just the way he are, ;D  

       just simple step in wearing my shawl to class :)

 go to shopping simple cmni pon boley ! :)
 haah ~no edited pic :)(: 

  i just be what i wanna be, :)(: the truth me ;D  

be yourself and not others coz that's make you more gorgeous :) believe me

Saturday, 23 April 2011


~ sape yg xnk nmpk cantik ? kan,... mostly all girls and women in this whole world nk nmpk cantik, gorgeous kn? hu,,,BUT  that's not so important ~! why ? why

Cantik itu subjektif, it can be define in many words, .. kn ?

everybody have their own beauty wish is natural beauty from her own self, so , kecantikan seseorang gadis ni susah nk diterjemahkan dalam kata kata ,

lelaki , hmm.. mostly lelaki yaaa,, admit it, firstly akan terpikat dengan kecantikan seseorang gadis itu, x kisah la , kenal ke, x kenal ke, terserempak tgh jalan ke, tgh jalan dengan aweks ke, tengah beli makanan ke, dalam bus ke, or in others situation, once dalam pandangan n mata lelaki, she so beautiful, then she are beautiful...

 nk dijadikan example : kalau me n bestfriend went for a walk or shopping, ade je guys yang ngh jalan ngn aweks die, dok usha2 kami, i mean my bestfriens... hehe ~ cause my bestfriends sangat comel and beautiful~~kan myra kan ,, >>?? HAHA ~ haahh ! dasar lelaki, dh ade gf kt sebelah pun asyik dok pandang gurls lain,  but, hmm itu lumrah manusia,, yang akan terpikat dengan keindahan dan kecantikan :)

macam lisa Surihani, oww,, she's so beautiful, seriously, /!! she's have her own beauty, x nmpk mcm pan , x nmpk cm mix, she's really nature  ~~ aww.. so no wonder la my lolly pun also minat lisa ni, plus ade gmbar lisa lagi dlm hp,,~ haihh.., jeless wehh,, tapi nk wat cmne,, mmg lisa surihani menjadi kegilaan lelaki melayu abad ini, :)(;


Ya Allah.. indahnye ciptaanMU.

hmm.. have nothing to say about her, she's perfect, :)

           so, this is me and my BFF ~ :)(: saye muke amat blur , sorry myraa

P/S : All girls in this world are beautiful girl, :)  heppy beautiful :)(:

Saturday, 16 April 2011

The part one story one, :)

 it was just some memories to share and to remember by  me,in my life .
everything that we've done when we are crazy , tension, pening and also, also, HAHA ~

~ agak kelakar and lucu . what ? ya,, me ..pose, pose,say cheese. ^^

 ngantuk sebenanye. :)

                                                 asal muke shuhadashuha cmni ? HAHA ~

yeah ! snap snap ;P

? nampak x lesung pipit saye :)(:

bajet ~ bajet hahha =D

mizz nina jaafar ~ <3

 mak cik ! nasi bungkus satu .. ;D

 posing itu penting ^^ ngee~

the blue bear one ~ rm50 :))

 muke penat pas gileww menshupingg ;)

kfc ~ kfc.~

 love you all , aww

 kat tangan dah grab awal awal jeans ~ ;D


 my lovely sista ~

make a sense with all my life,  ~ gila lensa ~ ! HAHA ;D..

 ngantok laaa ~ baru lepas habiss test koko .. tidoo jap lah ^^
hehe nyteee

peace. peace :)