Something is Mine

i'm just a very simple person, name ma ayah beri, nur shuhada bt khairul anuar ! yg bermaksud cahaya para org yg mati syahid, :) alhamdulillah, so, i'm trying till now to be the best for my family,agama n negara ! haha ! bersemangat gilaa... :), btw, saya dengan bnganya mengatakan TAK NAK ! pada mereka yg 1) talk nonsense, 2) gilaaa,,3) pencurikkk,4)kaki menipu,5)kaki pempuan,6)hipokrit dan kesemua yg sama waktu dgnnya ! , so, ilove to being in myself ! last but not least, adiossaa !! :)

Monday, 28 February 2011

You are your own feelings

 ~ harini, macam2 berlaku dlm hidup aku,

   * sometimes, i really feels great and awesome because i am a girl :), but i don't know why, there's a lot of people kat luar sane , wish they could trade places with a boy . Even, maybe just for a day, wahhhhh !! , and aku nmpak byk perkara mcm tu yg berlaku sekeliling aku, haha ~ ape aku merepek ni ?? dah2 nk story bende lain sebenarnye ni, heheeee :)) it's all about my own feeling :)

* So,nk dijadikan cerita tadi time kelas mgt, kene amik laptop and lcd kat pejabat, for mgt tutorial, herm, . nak tahu ape yg jadik ??, well, aku and classmate aku, pergi la amik laptop and lcd tu, so lepas isi borang, and bagi kad matrik, amik la.. bawak masok kelas. then time our lecturer tgh godek2 laptop and lcd tu, tibe2 stuck ! then, lect suruh kteorng tukar yg lain, so my classmate and i pergi la tukar ,,,,sampai2 je dalam pejabat tu, aku pun dengan ringan mulut bg tahu la,
                                  " Puan, laptop ni stuck la, nak tukar yg lain boleh ,? " 

then, puan ni dengan muka yg amat masam, amik la laptop yg baru and tukar dengan laptop yg stuck tadi,,, haha ~ tu okey lagi , ni, time classmate aku yg sorang ni, cakap nk tukar  lcd BARU,
                         " Puan, lcd ni pun nak tukar jugak sbb, x leh gune, die punye lcd x pancar pun kat screen, "
tbe2 Puan yg tukarkan laptop ni tadikk,, memanggil Puan lagikkk sorang dengan lantangnyaaa !!! and Puan yg lagiikk sorang ni, dtg dengan terkecoh2..
                                     Puan 2 :     " ha ? awat hangpa nk tukaq ?, "  
               aku and classmate ak :   "  lcd ni x ley nk pancarkan kt screen la puan "
                                    puan 2  :   " aiii ! org lain boley pakai awat hangpa x boleh ? ni lcd baru sampai ni, xkn rosak kot ? hangpa dah check betoi2 ka ? dak pun, hangpa salah masok ?" dengan suare yg begituuu lantang dan kuat, samapi rasenye the whole pejabat tu boley dengar !
Adeh ! maluuuu gilerrr sume orang kat situ pandang lain macam kat aku n classmate ak nih !

 and then Puan 2 tu membebel gilew2 nye laahhh, die tnye" ni hangpa pakai kt bilik mane ni ?" aku pon jawab la... " kat Bk 05 Puan "

Puan tu, adehh.. membebel bukan main, die tnye sape lect nye la... die kutuk2 kteorng x reti gune la, ngan lect2 kteorang die kutuk yg x bleyy blaaa tu,,, sabarrr je laaa.. ! dah la cuace memang panas, then bebelan die yg x berasas tu membuat kan hati aku begitu bengkek gilaaa !! nseb la ade pak cik tu tolong kteorang.... lw x.... mmg la.. dekat nk sejam jugak laaa kami kne menunggu dlm tu.. huh !

                                            my feelings : angryy ~~

                                                     this is how baby faces when he/she was angry :)

  ~ So, ape yg aku cite ni, just about my feeling towards the things happend in circle of my life,
, pada aku, aku ade hak nk marah, nk panas hati and anything yg related tntang ape yg aku alami yg buat aku sakit hati ! kn ?. 
      ~ pesanan kat Puan berdue tu, agak2 la lw nk marah student pon, x pyah la sampai nk kutuk2 lect  ! ! !

and please smiling laa... bukan susah sangat nk senyomm,  !!
 bak lirik lagu SENYUM, : Senyum , x perlu kata apa2 :))
                                                       smile, smile and smile laa :))
 ~ ~                                                  

bukan susah pon nk senyum kn, melainkan la dalam mulut tu ade berlian kew, emas kew.. :)

                                             awwwww ~!! so cute  ;D

 moral of the story : you are your own feelings, and this entry doesn't mean anything to me pun, xde dendam2 ngn Puan2 tu, AND saye bukan pedendam ! :))

aku jiwang, aku sayang

~ well entry ni, it's all about how iam express my feeling...
   ~~ tapi sekarang.. mood swing skit and underaverage.. love , love  and love.

 your first love x semetinya your true ever love :) yeah ! i admit that.. :)) setujuu sgt,,,,
  ~ now i'm in love... and still keep fall in love with him.. alhamdulillah..:))

                                            with you, i know i'm safe]  love

~ everyone has someone in their life, of course la includingg ME, :)
  he's the one i love for yesterday, today, tomorrow and insyaAllah for the rest of my life,

                                             love is the movement ]

Right now at this moment, someone is very proud of you. Someone is thinking of you. Someone cares about you. Someone misses you. Someone wants to talk to you. Someone wants to be with you. Someone hopes you aren't in trouble. Someone wants to hold your hand. Someone wants you to be happy just for you. Someone thinks you are a special gift. Someone wants to hug you. Someone loves you. Someone admires your strength and kindness. Someone is thinking of you and smiling. Someone wants to be on your shoulder to cry on. Someone thinks the world of you. Someone wants to protect you. Someone would do anything for you. Someone wants to be forgiven. Someone is grateful for your forgiveness. Someone wants to laugh with you about old times. Someone remembers you and wishes you were there. Someone needs to know that your love is unconditional. Someone wants to tell you how much they care. Someone wants to share their dreams with you. Someone wants to hold you in their arms. Someone wants you to hold them in your arms. Someone treasures your spirit. Someone loves you for who you are. Someone wants to be with you. Someone hears a song that reminds her/him of you. Someone wants to be your friend. Someone needs you to let them be your friend. Someone is glad you're her/his only true love. Someone stayed up all night thinking about you. Someone is alive because of you. Someone believes that you are their soul mate. Someone wants to be near you. Someone misses your guidance and advice. Someone values your guidance and advise. Someone has faith in you. Someone needs you to have faith in them. Someone trusts you .

p/s : i love you

moral of the story : i say i love you, when i really love you.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

U're so one in a million

Ne-Yo - One In A Million

Jet setter
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But I've never met one like you

Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
All the girls I've been with
Things I've seen it takes much to impress
But sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the rest

I can be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

You're not a regular girl
You don't give a damn about your look
Talking about I can't do it for you
But you can do it for yourself
Even though that ain't so
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end
But that independent thing I'm with it
All we do is win baby

I could be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Baby you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you're one of a kind
That means that you're the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

moral of the story : i love this song. boley cairr :))

Saturday, 26 February 2011

story of love

~ love ? well i think no one can give the exact difinition of love.
~ it's a about u, . It can be very simple yet so complicated, so what we have to do is to enjoy it, becoz it's a give from Allah, :)
~ it can come to us as anytime, anywhere and in any form,
 and for me to say sat that, it doesn't mean i'm expert of LOVE, haha ~~

I remember us,
the way we used to be,  
I'd hold you in my arms,
your smile so sweet to me,

But now when I see you,
you look right through me,
I feel so alone now,
but when I close my eyes...

...All I see is you.

The love we used to share,
gone up in whirl winds,
will I ever love,
or ever live again,

I am tired of crying,
and I am done trying,
To remember all about you,
but when I close my eyes...

...All I see is you.

All the love I am sending,
the memories I won't sell,
I know there must be an ending,
to the story I will tell,

I dream only of your love,
and happiness in life,
I try not to think of you,
but when I close my eyes...

..All I see is you. 

 moral of the story~ "Jangan tinggal orang kita sayang untuk orang kita suka. Sebab orang kita suka akan tinggalkan kita untuk orang yang mereka sayang. Jangan cuba dapatkan apa kita sayang tapi sayanglah apa yang kita ada..."

i am only a human

hari ni, macam macam aku rase, dan petang tadi, puas aku memberontak sorang2, aku baling segala barang yg ada, aku menangis sampai melutut bawah kerusi, aku masuk dalam meje study, aku nangis kuat kuat ! sebab ???
sebab aku x nk orang lain dengar,,.,,agak kuat jugak lalakan aku tadi rasenye :)
Now, i feel better, masih berbisa tangisan itu, tgk la mate aku yg da lebam ni, :P
  tepakse cover dengan spectacles :)) nseb la xde sape pun tgur, haha ~ cmne org nk tgur, ak x kua bilik pon rini, terperap dalam bilik ala ala white house ni, HAHA~~ white house la sngat kn, anyway, ape yg aku mepek ni ??
  ~ mybe, yaa.. i am not good enough, im just too weak to get through all this in my life,
    but i'll keep on trying to be the best, :(

moral of the story : sorry i can't be perfect, :(

hormone and love

well, korang tau hormone and love ni ade related each other's ?
haha ~ well , ak just nk kongsi ape yg aku da bace n faham berkaitan dengan subject ni,

korang tau x knp korang rase heppy, girang, riang semacam je bile korang in LOVE ?? knp korang rase heppy bahagie je dengan orang yg korang sayang?? korang taw x ape yg jadi sebenanye dalam sistem badan korang and how u can influence this all?

so, i would like to share something about this,. :)
 korang probably tau, at least the names. So hormone2 yang ade related dengan the power of love ni ade 6 !  :) adrenaline, dopamine, fenylethylamine, endorphin and oxytocin. nk cite dlu pasal the famous one : DOPAMINE !!
Korang tau x , when you're in LOVE,  DOPAMINE bagi korang perasaan yg same when you would use cocaine? So, setiap kali korang nmpk@jumpe org yg korang suke@sayang, you get a shot of dopamine and paling teruk it’s addictive yoo !. Everyone who has been in love knows they wanted to see the one they were in love with again and again and again.
Knp kadang2 pasangan korang akan berpaling@ korang rase cm die da x tertarik kt korang ??

But when you’re in a relationship for a longer period, let’s say about two years; your body doesn’t produce that much dopamine anymore. The feeling of being in love slowly changed in loving him or her.

Ape yg korang ley wat tuk kekalkan perasaan cinta sesame pasangan korang ???
When you eat healthy, you’ll probably get enough vitamin B6 and magnesium.Those two together make your body produce dopamine. So make sure you get enough.


Uhhh What?haha~ Yeah,try la sebut perkataan ni without tergeliat2 @ tebelit2 lidah tu, :) haha :P
FENYLETHYLAMINE is produced in your brain. It has the same effect as XTC and speed. Your heartbeat is increasing, you start to breath faster, and the palms of your hands start to sweat, your cheeks and genitals get an extra blood flow and you start to feel happier.

When you eat a lot of cheese, eat lots of chocolate and drink plenty of red wine, maybe your brain gets some extra Fenylethylamine. (Besides the fact you’ll probably get nauseous.) Most of this gets decomposed in your intestines. When you have eye contact your brain also produces Fenylethylamine. The pupils of your eyes get bigger. But only when you see something you like. On the other hand, when you get the fright of your life, your brains starts producing this hormone too.


Who hasn’t heard of it? The hormone that makes people run or fight. But when you’re in love adrenaline causes the reaction that you’re on standby all the way. Your pupils get bigger, your heart rate goes up, your breathing gets faster and you’re not so hungry because your digestive system starts to work slower.
If you want to let the adrenaline flow, get really angry, get into a situation where you get really scared, get overheated or go outside in your underwear when its ten degrees below zero outside or get some real physical exertion at the gym or maybe even at home with your loved one.
But be careful when you have a bad heart because in that case too much adrenaline can get you into trouble.


Endorphin is the morphine that your own body produces when you feel pain. When you’re in love it has the same effects as heroine and opium which cause you to feel more happy and joyful.
Eating fat, chocolate (Mmm again chocolate) and sugars make you produce more endorphin. An orgasm or running more than just around the block or far away from your in laws has the same effect.
When your body is producing less endorphin, there is a chance that you feel depressed or have mood swings.


Vasopressin works for men in the same way as ocytocine does for women. It’s said that this hormone makes people monogamous.
If you want enough of this hormone, you'd better drink no alcohol. Alcohol is a restraining factor for the production of Vasopressin. When a man ejaculates there is a large amount of this hormone made by the hypothalamus and released in the blood stream. Vasopressin is also an antidiuretic hormone. So when you have enough of this hormone, you won’t wet your pants very easy. (If you have them on)


Oxytocinis also called the mother hormone or cuddle hormone because when a mom breastfeeds her baby, this hormone is produced in large quantities. When you hug or caress this hormone is produced too. It makes you feel connected, takes away fear and makes you feel confident. That’s why a lot of people need foreplay before being able to make love all the way.

So, the conclusion is, hormone hormone ni yg akn membawa seseorang fall in LOVE ! :))
and i'll keep fall in love with him (: insyaAllah ~~

mengapa sedih ?

hati, kuatlah kamu syg..... sungguh... sebak rase hati ni, dh duduk sorang2, lagi lh tak berhenti2 air mate ni dari menitis. mungkin ye, ak x cukup terbaik....dh lah... ak x mampu nk tulis ape2...dh penat.... letih mengejar sesuatu yang tak mungkin aku dapat capai sepenuhnya....
bagaimana cara nya untuk, merunruntuhkan kerasnya hatimu, ku sadari ku x sempurna, ku x seperti, yg kau inginkan, kau hncurkan aku dengan sikapmu, x sedarkah kau telah menyakitiku, lelah hati ini menyakinku, cinta ini membunuhku...........
moral of the story : hadirkan cinta bersama rasa.

weekend yang membosankan !

 well, hurm today is saturday and every saturday i'll get hyper boring . hurm, boleh jadii gile la lw setiap weekend cmnie. dekat kolej ni, kosong... senyap sunyyi,, ramai pulak penghuni kolej ni pulang ke rumah masing2 @ pun hangout dengan teman masing2,, aku >?? berada seorang diri dalam bilik dan mengalami kebosanan di tahap yang amat kritikal,HAHA !~~ jeles terase bile tgk roomate ak kua tengok wyang , nak ikut,,, tapi.. xnk kacau daun pulak ! :) sorang balik rumah and sorang lagi ade hal dengan kengkwn die,...
  hurm, xpela mybe ade hikmah duk terperap dalam bilik ni, at least, duit ak save and ade mase untuk aku muhasabah diri , :) pehh ayat... x bley bla.. haha :) sebenanye... aku tengah menggile sorang2 diri, mcm2 rase ade, hormone aku pun x bape nk stabil... jap ak ley heppy, jap aku rase sdey sngat,,,,, , << ni dh bape kalida ni nitis2 air mate<< huhuuu , ;/,  mmg betulla aku kebosanan di tahap kritikal .,., dh lah, aku nk terusakn dengan agenda melayan diri sendiri ni, haha ! don't mind me, :)) , daaaa :)) adiosaa


Thursday, 17 February 2011

test ! test !

x larat. x larat !! :( huuaaa.. esok test business managment ! dgn x habiss studyy lagi,, ! bagai nk gilaaaaa  nk menghafal managment ni !!! perasaan dh xtntu arah dah ! ;/, rase nk nges ade, rase nk gile ade, rase nk lari pun ade, rase nk DEMAM pun ade ! bykkkk gilee x studyy lagi.... dh x tau nk study yg mane dulu,,, , herm, ape n k buat ni erk ,;/ hu aku hnye mampu berusaha dan buat yg sehabis baik ! tak mahu  menghampakan harapan kedua ma dan ayah ku yg memberikan sepenuh kepercayaan kepada dirirku ! hum,, ma ! ayah  ! doakan yg terbaik untuk anakanda mu yg sedang berjuang ini ! btw, i miss my mommy, my dad, my lovely little sista n my honey bunny little brother ! :( miss them a lot !
Ya Allah berikanlah kekuatan dan ketabahan kepada diriku,,,  adiosssa !

gilaaa ! gilaaaaaa !!

haha !~~ mood : meggila bgai nk rak  ! test2,,, tgh pulunnn studyy ! x taw mane satu nk kejar ! hah ! tulaa.. study last minute, ni la jadinye.... gilaaa ! mood tgh stressing thap rabbit da... ! huu... sedang mencobaa untuk kuatkan hati, tabahkan diri,, n tenagkan perasaan.. tgh tensionnn gilaa... :( huhaaaaa,,, mate dh x reti rase pnt da.. yg tau.. keje kne habis kn by tomorrw  ! huaaaaaa:( helpppp me...